• A Hair Transplant - How to do it right.

    A Hair Transplant - How to do it right.

    Today it is a very refined outpatient procedure that can produce full and natural looking results, even after only one hair transplant session.

    When performed correctly not even a hair stylist will detect that a person has had a hair transplant.

    However, to achieve such natural results it is critical that the hair transplant procedure be "performed correctly". To do so requires a hair restoration clinic that can perform a follicular unit hair transplant at the highest levels of skill, experience, and dedication.

    What it takes to create natural results.

    A great hair transplant is the result of using a state of the art surgical procedure and performing it with great skill and artistry. Today the acknowledged "gold standard" in hair transplant surgery is called "Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation".

    This relatively new hair transplant procedure enables a patient to achieve extremely natural results because it recreates and mimics the way a person's hair grows naturally, hair for hair.

    Recreating Nature Hair for Hair

    To understand this procedure you must first understand how hair grows naturally.

    If you look closely at naturally growing hair using magnification you will see that hair actually grows in groupings of one, two, three, and four hairs.

    These naturally occurring hair groupings grow in irregular patterns on the scalp similar to trees growing in the forest. These groupings are technically referred to as "follicular units".

    By relocating these carefully prepared and isolated follicular units, physicians doing "follicular unit hair transplantation" recreate a natural pattern of hair in the balding areas.

    Follicular Unit Hair Transplant tough on the clinic but easy on the patient.

    To do this properly is a very time consuming process. It requires a team of skilled and meticulous medical technicians working closely with the lead physician.

    All our physician members perform this hair transplant procedure with excellent results. They are granted membership in the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians strictly based on their proven high level of experience, ethics, and skill in successfully performing this patient friendly procedure.

    While the follicular unit procedure is more demanding upon the medical staff, it produces dramatic and life long advantages for the patient such as undetectable naturalness, rapid healing, and optimal use of their limited donor hair.

    The Standard Hair Transplant, easy on the clinic but not on the patient.

    Only a minority of hair transplant surgeons are committed to doing the follicular unit procedure properly. Many physicians continue to dissect grafts without regard to the integrity of the follicular units. Follicular units are often transected and damaged as donor tissue is cut to conform to the size of the recipient holes rather than to maintain the integrity of the follicular units.

    Such common standard hair transplant procedures are quicker and simpler to perform than follicular unit hair transplantation from the hair transplant surgeon's perspective. The standard hair transplant procedure is also often more profitable for the clinic since it requires less staff time, training, resources, and skill. However, the results are generally suboptimal for the patient.

    Respecting the Follicular Unit

    Respecting the Follicular Unit

    Each follicular unit is surrounded by small glands, blood vessels, nerves, and a connective tissue sac making it a tiny self contained unit.

    If these follicular units are damaged during removal or dissection, the hair may grow poorly.

    Therefore it is important to cut only in the loose tissue between the follicular units to keep each follicular unit intact and avoid damaging it.

  • Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD

    Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich
    Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich
    Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich and his experienced staff regularly perform large densely packed megasessions with outstanding results.
  • Saw Palmetto

    Saw Palmetto

    The "Active" Ingredient in Many Popular Hair Loss Treatment Products

    Many popular hair loss treatment options today such as Provillus, Procerin, and Avacor contain the “active” ingredient saw palmetto. It can also be purchased as a standalone supplement in most nutritional stores. But the age old question of whether or not it can effectively treat baldness in men and women with alopecia is still heavily debated. By taking a look at the scientific evidence available we are able to draw some conclusions as to its potential benefit for those with thinning hair.

    What is Saw Palmetto?

    Saw Palmetto berries are a deep red fruit that grow wild on palm trees in warmer climates, typically found in the Southeastern United States. The liposerolic berry extract is typically used as an herbal supplement for the promotion of a healthy prostate.

    Saw Palmetto Hair Loss Study:

    Similarly to finasteride (the active ingredient in Propecia and Proscar), studies have shown that when taken orally, it may be an effective anti-androgen by lowering dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase enzymes. Additionally it is said to block receptor cites on cells which is required for cells to absorb DHT.

    Tests have also been performed on its use in the treatment of benign prostatic disease, which similarly to androgenic alopecia, depends on the production of DHT.

    It is also noteworthy to state that a small preliminary study in 2002 was performed as reported by The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(2002;8:143-52) that shows a select group of 19 men between the ages of 23 and 64 taking either (400mg of saw palmetto and 100mg of Beta-sitosterol) or a placebo orally. Those who took the herbal combination had 60% improved hair growth over those who took the placebo. There have been no studies to date indicating the efficacy of saw palmetto applied topically for male pattern baldness, female hair loss, or anything to date.

    In our opinion, there are two potential difficulties with this study:

    • Many scientists would argue that the control study group was too small to determine any real efficacy and improved hair growth could have happened by chance. A larger study therefore may be necessary to determine any level of real efficacy.
    • “Improved hair growth” is not the same thing as newhair growth and hair regrowth, nor should it necessarily imply that it works to stop hair loss
    • There are no regulations or suggested daily value as to how much saw palmetto would be required to successfully treat baldness. The appropriate dosage therefore is questionable.
    • The above study was only performed on saw palmetto taken orally. Hair loss products that promote topical use for baldness are basing their belief in its efficacy on something other than published clinical evidence.

    The Dosage:

    But if there are no current standards on dosages of herbal medications in the United States, how do these popular hair loss treatments produce an appropriate dosage?

    Clinical studies on Benign Prostrate Hyperplasia (BPH) have used a dosage of 320mg of the berry extract daily (either one 320mg pill or 2 X 160 mg pill). A daily dosage of 480 mg of saw palmetto berry extract was not found to be any more effective in a six-month study. If the entire berry was used, up to 1000mg or 2000mg would be required to reach the same goal.

    The theory therefore is that if saw palmetto can successfully treat an enlarged prostate similarly to finasteride, it can effectively treat hair loss with a similar dosage Many popular “baldness cure” products contain approximately 1500mg of the berry which is equivalent to approximately 240-320mg of the berry extract.

    Side Effects and Warnings:

    One false assumption is that “all natural” treatments don’t have potential side effects. It is stated that use of saw palmetto has not proven to be safe for women with hair loss during pregnancy and lactation. Medical supervision is suggested for women of childbearing age. Similar warnings are listed about Propecia.


    Based on some anecdotal evidence, saw palmetto is said to treat baldness because of its tendency to act like finasteride by helping those suffering from BPH. However, authentic clinical studies have not been performed to date that support this claim. Dosage and how it should be used (orally or topically) therefore is based on conjecture rather that scientific evidence.

  • Hair transplantation FAQs

    Hair restoration procedure results

    Hair transplantation is really about relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head.

    This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.

    Learn more about hair transplantation.

    Hair transplantation, when done right, can be so natural that even your hair stylist will not know that you've had it done.

    But the skill and techniques of hair transplant surgeons does vary widely, as do their results. It's important to choose the right procedure and clinic to assure that you will get completely natural results.

    The state of art hair transplantation procedure that we recommend is called "Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation".

    To learn more about the leading hair transplantation physicians who perfrom this procedure, visit our recommended physicians page.

    A typical session of between 1,500 to 3,000 grafts normally involves a full day of surgery on an out patient basis. Most patients will arrive in the morning and will have their procedure completed by late afternoon.

    View a step by step overview of a typical hair transplant procedure.

    Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients will typically feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure is.

    Today hair restoration clinics typically provide free no obligation consultations, with surgical sessions priced either per graft or by the session. Prices typically average around $5 to $6 per graft.

    It is normal for the price per graft to drop as the size of the surgical session increases. Many clinics will offer a reduced rate per graft once a certain surgical session size (i.e. 1,000 or 2,000 grafts) is exceeded.

    To compare the long term costs of hair transplantation to other hair loss treatments, visit our hair transplant cost section.

    The amount of grafts you will need ultimately depends on your degree of hair loss, now and in the future, and on how full you desire your hair to be.

    For help estimating the amount of grafts/hairs you may need, click here.

    To use our interactive graft calculator, click here

    With today’s very refined micro hair transplantation procedure the incisions are very small and less invasive than past procedures. This results in more rapid healing. Most patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery, although some numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following surgery.

    Immediately following surgery a patient’s recipient area is typically pink with scabs forming around the micro incisions. These hundreds of tiny incisions will heal rapidly within a week to ten days.

    During the first few days after the surgery a person’s hair transplants will be noticeable if there is no previous hair to mask these temporary scabs. However, most patients feel comfortable being in public without wearing a hat within 5 to 7 days following surgery.

    Once the transplanted hair grows out the results should look entirely natural, even under close examination.

    Normally it takes between three to five months following surgery before the transplanted hair follicles begin to grow new hair. The transplanted hair grows in very thin initially and gradually grows thicker and fuller over time. After one year a patient’s transplanted hair will be fully mature and will continue to grow for a life time.

    Since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a life time – just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area.

    To understand why some hair follicles are genetically resistant to going bald, while other are not, click here.

    The most important decision in restoring your hair is the physician you choose. The skill, talent, and experience of hair restoration physicians vary widely, as do the end results. Who you choose will determine how natural and full your new hair will be for the rest of your life.

    View tips on selecting a hair restoration clinic.

    Find an excellent hair restoration physician in your area.

  • Dr. Vladimir Panine

    Dr. Vladimir Panine
    Dr. Vladimir Panine
    Dr. Vladimir Panine and his experienced staff perform high quality follicular unit hair transplant surgery with excellent results
  • What Causes Hair Loss?

    Causes of hair loss

    As you see yourself balding, while others retain their hair, you may ask - why me?

    The basic answer is – your hair loss is due to your genetic make up. Your thinning hair is not due to anything you have done, whether wearing too many hats, washing your hair too much or too little or any other hair loss myths. Alopecia or hair loss is primarily genetic and is referred to as "Androgenetic Alopecia" in the medical community.

    Your hair's future is largely determined before you're even born. Your follicles have been genetically programmed as to when, where and how much baldness (if any), you'll experience in your lifetime. But the fate of your hair can be altered or compensated for with modern hair loss treatments.

    So what are the specific causes of hair loss?

    Baldness is largely the result of certain hormones interacting over time with those hair follicles that are vulnerable to their effects.

    Both men and women produce "male" hormones. The three most common are testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands, contain high levels of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT, via the blood. DHT is the source of most male pattern balding.

    In some people, their follicles on the top of the head are genetically vulnerable to baldness. Over time, these genetically vulnerable follicles are acted upon by the hormone DHT. This hormone binds with the receptor sites of these vulnerable follicles and cause the hair follicle to weaken over time. Propecia is a drug that has been shown to slow the creation of DHT and can be helpful in slowing, stopping or in some cases, reversing hair loss when it is used early enough.

    Hair grows naturally in cycles of approximately 3 to 8 years. At the end of the growth cycle, the hair shaft is shed from the follicle and a new hair grows. With thinning hair or balding, each successive growth cycle is shorter and the hair produced is thinner and finer. This is called 'miniturization'.

    Men and women don't go bald overnight, it is a slow progression of thinning hair and hair loss that eventually produces baldness. In many cases, the balding has progressed to such a stage that hair loss treatment products aren't enough to reverse the balding process.

    Few treatments have the dramatic effect of restoring hair like hair restoration surgery. Click here to learn more about hair restoration.

    Not all hair loss is permanent. There are many causes of temporary hair loss that can be treated with diet, stress reduction and a visit to your doctor. Click here to learn about other causes of hair loss.

    Androgenetic Alopecia

    And rogenetic Alopecia, commonly referred to as 'genetic balding', is the main cause of male and female hair loss. This genetic 'programming' accounts for 95% of male hair loss.

    For baldness to occur three factors need to be present:

    1.The presence of and rogens, or male hormones.

    2. A genetic pre-disposition to balding.

    3. Time for the DHT to degrade the vulnerable hair follicles.

    While they comprise less than ten percent of permanent hair loss, there are several other Causes of Hair Loss like stress, nutrition, health, age and hormones, that can cause temporary as well as permanent hair loss.

    There are also several categories of treatments for hair loss which include drugs, topical lotions, hair care products, hair replacement systems and hair restoration surgery. To learn more about each, please visit our Hair Loss Treatment section.

  • Child Birth

    Child Birth

    Childbirth may result in hair loss. It's common for many women to notice hair loss about 3 months after they've had a baby. This too, is caused by hormones. But this is not something to worry about. You see, during pregnancy, hair that normally falls out is kept in by high levels of hormones. Once the hormones have returned to pre-pregnancy levels, this extra hair falls out. The normal cycle of hair growth and loss then begins again.

  • ElectroTrichoGenesis (ETG)

    Electro Tricho Genesis

    Brilliant Hair Loss Treatment, or is it a Scam?

    ElectroTrichoGenesis (ETG), also known as Cosmetic TrichoGenesis (CTG), is a little known hair loss treatment that makes some very lofty hair growth claims. How does ETG work and is it really clinically proven to treat androgenic alopecia(genetic balding)?

    How ElectroTrichoGenesis (ETG) Works

    ETG is promoted as a safe, painless and non-intrusive. Treatment is administered via an “ergonomically shaped couch with a semi spherical hood” manufactured by Current Technology Corporation in Vancouver, Canada.

    The patient reclines on the chair and the hood (with disposable liner) is placed over the head but does not make contact with the scalp. This special hood contains electrodes that deliver “specified pulsed electrostatic energy” delivered passively to the scalp by the low-level electric field generated within it.Electro Tricho Genesis

    ETG is believed to stimulate the regrowth of hair through the positive influence of the pulsed electrostatic field it generates. This field is said to stimulate “changes within the hair bulge and the follicle, stabilizing hair loss and stimulating new hair growth”. Patients receive a single 12 minute session weekly.

    Is ETG Clinically Proven?

    The following three studies on the efficacy of ElectroTrichoGenesis (ETG) as a treatment for thinning hair have been published in peer-reviewed journals:

    Maddin, W. Stuart; Bell, Peter W.; James, John H. M. (1990).
    "The Biological Effects of a Pulsed Electrostatic Field with Specific Reference to Hair Electrotrichogenesis". International Journal of Dermatology29(6): 446–450.

    Benjamin, Benji; Ziginskas, Danute; Harman, John; Meakin, Timothy (2002).
    "Pulsed electrostatic fields (ETG) to reduce hair loss in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast carcinoma: A pilot study". Psycho-Oncology11(3): 244–248

    Maddin, WS; Amara, I; Sollecito, WA (1992).
    "Electrotrichogenesis: further evidence of efficacy and safety on extended use". International Journal of Dermatology31(12): 878–80

    According to the 36-week comparative, controlled study conducted on male subjects at the University of British Columbia and published in The International Journal of Dermatology, 96.7% of those treated experienced cessation of hair loss and/or hair regrowth. Decreased hair loss was seen as early as 4 to 6 weeks but many patients required more time for results.

    The pilot study conducted on women undergoing chemotherapy for breast carcinoma and published in  Psycho-Oncology,showed that twelve out of 13 participants had good hair retention throughout the chemotherapy period and afterwards with no reported side effects.

    As with the clinically proven medical hair loss treatments Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride), ETG is said to be most effective in the early stages of balding.


    Although the data put forth in this article seems to paint ETG as a clinically proven and highly effective hair loss treatment, it’s important to note that the procedure is not new. The studies referenced above were published more than 13 years ago. If ETG truly works to stimulate hair growth and suppress the advancement of hair loss, why has it not become a fixture in the world’s leading hair restoration clinics? Where are all the glowing, unbiased reviews?

    With no reported side effects, there may be no harm in giving ETG a try if there is a provider in your area and the fees are reasonable. However, balding men and women are encouraged to consult with an experienced and reputable hair restoration physicianin order to diagnose the cause of their thinning hair and learn about the outstanding medical and surgical options available today.

  • Rogaine Foam for Men and Women

    The exciting new Rogaine foam has undergone its own extensive FDA trials and can rightfully boast an impressive 85% hair regrowth success rate in people who use it twice daily. This is more than 20% higher than the liquid 5% minoxidil solution at 64%. Rogaine foam also comes without the inconveniences of its liquid counterpart such as scalp irritation, flaking, and messy application. The foam dries almost instantly as opposed to the liquid's 15 minute waiting period.

    Note: Despite what the insert says, Rogaine works just as well for frontal hair loss, recession, and thinning hair.

    How It Works:

    Rogaine foam uses versafoam technology to aid the delivery of the minoxidil to the hair follicles. As the minoxidil absorbs into the scalp, it stimulates follicles, revitalizing them, promoting thicker and healthier hair growth. This promotes a thicker and fuller appearance of hair.

    Developing Realistic Expectations:

    While Rogaine foam is supreme in many ways, it's unlikely to regrow thick terminal hair in completely bald areas. For best results, men ought to consider combining Rogaine with Propecia (finasteride), the only FDA approved and clinically proven DHT inhibitor to stop hair loss. See the "recommended treatments" section below for more details.

    Don't expect immediate results. Just as hair loss is a slow process, regrowing it is too. Thus, it's recommended to use Rogaine for approximately 6 to 12 months before determining its effectiveness. Documenting your progress with bi-monthly photos can help you better evaluate the results.

    Hair shedding is a common symptom the first few months and a sign that the medication may be working for you. It's crucial to push past this stage with continued use for the recommended period of time.

    To date, only surgical hair restoration is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. You are invited to have a free virtual consultation with one of our prescreened hair restoration physicians.

  • Hair transplants - Are they right for you?

    Hair transplants - Are they right for you?

    Most hair loss sufferers can benefit from hair transplants. However, some are better candidates than others and will achieve more dramatic results.

    Different Patients Achieve Different End Results

    Two Hair Transplant Sessions one totaling 1860 grafts the other 2995 grafts
    Two Hair Transplant Sessions one totaling 1860 grafts the other 2995 grafts

    It is important to have realistic expectations and to find a hair transplant surgeon who can meet or exceed your expectations.

    Surgical hair restoration is largely a matter of "Supply and Demand".

    The look you can and will achieve with hair transplants is determined by several factors. But the most critical factor is really a question of "supply and demand".


    The supply of hair is how much viable bald resistant donor hair you have. The demand is how much bald area you want to cover and to what degree of thickness.

    Your “Donor Hair” determines what you can achieve.

    For virtually all hair loss sufferers, even those with severe baldness, there is typically hair that grows for life on the sides and back of the head. This is because the hair in this "donor area" is genetically different from the hair on the top of the head in people who go bald.

    The hair follicles in the "donor area" are genetically resistant to the effects of such baldness causing hormones as (DHT) dihydrotestosterone. That's why they continue to grow, while the hair on the top (in the male pattern baldness area) thins and goes bald over time.

    How much viable donor hair you have will largely determine how much you can accomplish with hair transplants. Most people have enough viable donor hair to do at least one or two hair transplant procedures.